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Looking for an exciting place to work? We are currently hiring! Check out the "Employment" page for more information
Healthy and beautiful trees take specialized care. The certified arborists at Carl's Tree Service offer a full array of tree fertilization and planting services in the Pittsburgh area. Whether your trees are in poor health or looking to start a beautiful backyard forest, we have the services you need.
Carl's Tree Service has an ISA Certified Arborist who can help pinpoint any possible insect or disease problems. We also have licensed commercial applicators on staff to do spraying and deep root feeding. This is especially helpful for any problems you may be experiencing with insect control.
Selecting a tree has never been easier! Carl's Tree Service and Landscaping partners with local nurseries for the highest quality nursery stock. You can visit their website by clicking
Once your tree is selected, we can even deliver it to your property. We will dig the hole and place the tree in the perfect spot, leaving no mess.
Whether you need care for your existing or new trees, contact us today for a FREE estimate.
Contact Information
Phone: 412-466-3539
Email: carlstreeservice@hotmail.com
Address: 3908 Homestead-Duquesne Road
West Mifflin, PA 15122
Payment Options
Business Hours
ISA Number: PD-2009A